the group viena
The group was founded by the entrepreneur Benedicto Julio Valladares more than 50 years ago and has been growing ever since, always striving for seriousness and solidity in business, generating foreign exchange for Brazil and thousands of jobs in its business areas.
- Andrade Valladares is like this: it combines experience and tradition of growth and innovation.
- Since its foundation in 1967, Andrade Valladares Engenharia e Construção, has been building part of Brazil.
- We have reached the mark of more than 40,000 residential properties, including houses and apartments, as well as works such as schools, health posts, roads, bridges, public and commercial buildings, popular prison restaurants, rehabilitation centers, hospitals and large industrial assemblies, serving public and private clients, covering more than 3 million square meters of constructed area.
- The image of a solid and efficient company, built over these past 45 years, lives up to the constant investments in planning, control, technology and a highly qualified team for management of its work and businesses expansion.
- All this makes Andrade Valladares contribute to the development of the country, consolidating itself as part of one of the most important national business groups.
- Andrade Valladares has been building values for more than 50 years.
fazendas reunidas
Viena Fazendas Reunidas is an Agroindustry located in Pirapora MG, which is aimed at:
- Bovine farming and cutting;
- Reforestation;
- Orange grove in 8 central pivots;
- Photovoltaic energy production – UFV with production of 400 MW;
- Cachaça Pirapora – Production, commercialization and exportation of a fine sugar cane liquor.
cachaça pirapora
Cachaça Pirapora won the 1st place in the Aged category, in the 1st Cachaça de Minas Contest finalized in December 2009. This contest was the first to be carried out strictly on technical-scientific basis in the country. Opened to all alembic cachaças registered in Minas Gerais state, 64 products competed in the universe of about 280 cachaças regularly marketed in the state, which was carried out by the National Federation of Cachaça de Alambique (Fenaca) Producers, under the coordination of the Federal University of São João Del Rey (UFSJ).
Are you interested in purchasing our cachaça?
+55 (31) 3741-3191|